Monday, February 8, 2010

What can someone do to have pending false charges dropped?

a year and 1/2 ago my 2 year old got out of the house 1 morning while everyone was asleep. My 8 yr old had gotten on the school bus that morning and I forgot to lock the door back. My neighbor found him down across the road,he was fine thank goodness, but they called the ambulance and police because they didn't know that he belonged to me. I would never do anything to cause harm to any of my children, I love them more than anything and that was the scariest moment in my life when I realized he was not in the house. He was gone for maybe 10 to 15 min. Later I was questioned at the hospital by a detective, DFACS was contacted and they questioned me, and found that I had not done anything wrong, what had happened was just a horrible accident. The detective was rude and treated me like a criminal, and later charged me with contributing to the deprivation of a minor and also a False Statement charge, which had nothing to do with my son getting out of the house. When questioned at the hospital, the detective asked me if I watched my 8 yr old get on the bus and I said yes. Later the detective questioned my 8 yr old at school and my daughter told the detective that she was going to the bus and she heard something in the woods and was scared and came back to the house and had to knock on the door for several minutes before I came back to the door, which is not possible because she would have missed the bus. I watched her go down to the driveway and then went to the bathroom, when I heard her knock, I immediately went to the door and told her it was probably a dog she heard and to go on I would watch her from the porch, and I did. I never lied about anything, the detective asked me a yes or no question, she did not ask for specific details of my daughter getting on the bus.What can someone do to have pending false charges dropped?
Get a good lawyerWhat can someone do to have pending false charges dropped?
You need an attorney. You claim its a false charge. The state doesn't know that. The cops don't know that. The DA doesn't know that. And you can bet that they will NOT be telling the court that. So its up to you to convince the court that there's nothing to the charges.

Quite frankly, you have an uphill battle ahead of you. You need experienced legal counsel. There is no magic way to make charges go away prior to trial other than to prove your innocence.

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