Friday, February 12, 2010

Why is SADAAM in jail when the charges brought against him were false?

surely even as a dictator there was alot less bloodshed than U.S. occupation. Speaking of dictators why didnt we go after kim jong -il?Why is SADAAM in jail when the charges brought against him were false?
he is in jail because he was charging 2$ more per gallon of crude oil to bush...and bush has so many can he afford such nonsense ??Why is SADAAM in jail when the charges brought against him were false?
good question.

its called victors justice.

Kim Jong Il doesn't have oil money and is backed by China, that's why.

Also the same reason the US chose to liberate oil rich Kuwait but let the 500,000 poor Rwandan Tutsis die.

Greed is what drives the US government and insecurity is what it uses to keep the American people under its control.
Yes. He is such a gentle soul and didn't really murder the Kurds or do any of the other things of which he stands accused. Which planet are you on?
Well we need the oil from his country.
his in an iraqi court facing charges for genocied (among other things) and yes iraq was safer for the U.S. under a dictator. Kim Jong-Il has nothing of value and he doesnt have a history with the U.S. that would likely get the backing of the american public if we went after him.
because saddam is a bad dude, Iraq is very secular, it's the only place that the U.S has any chance of getting foothold in the Mid-east. The world is a better place without Saddam Insane !
I see... so Hallabjah was a mere bagatelle, eh?
Ignorance really is bliss, huh?

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