Friday, February 12, 2010

Would it be smart for husbands to sleep in separate homes from their wives to avoid false rape charges?

After all, any such accusation would be a he-said/she-said case and if the husband can be placed in the vicinity of the wife at the time of the alleged incident, then that would help her case tremendously.Would it be smart for husbands to sleep in separate homes from their wives to avoid false rape charges?
It would be smarter for the man to choose a mate not because of superficial factors but because the woman is intelligent and has morals and values. For every one instance of this situation happening, there are thousands more where this crying wolf would never, ever occur to the woman to do.Would it be smart for husbands to sleep in separate homes from their wives to avoid false rape charges?
What is it with you and these questions of marital rape? Do you not believe that it is possible for a husband to rape his wife? B/c u have been asking these questions for about 2 hours now. Why would a wife, who loves her husband falsely claim rape and why would a husband who loves his wife want to rape her? (Most) women don't go around and just claim that they were raped just for kicks!
If you have to worry about rape charges within a marriage, you have bigger fish to fry than worrying about whether to sleep in separate houses or not.
Okay then.
if you think a woman would bring false charges against you its best not to marry or have her in your life at all.


The young lad should spend time getting to know the ladies he chooses to have in his life..but then again I am pro marriage, and that makes a difference in my answers.
It would it be smart for husbands to sleep in separate homes from their wives if they cannot bare the sight of them.
Of course not. Separate cities is best, that way he won't be accused of rape for playing his music too loudly.
Why in the hell would you get married if you are gonna sleep in separate rooms, because you are worried about rape charges
He said/she said rape cases never end in conviction anyways.

Best bet would be to simply not rape your wife. Or marry a woman who you think might falsely accuse you of such.

EDIT--He's not to blame if a woman falsely accuses him. The woman is fully to blame in that situation. However, at the same time, if you marry a person you trust so little that you have to sleep in separate rooms because you fear she'll cry rape--there is something seriously wrong with the relationship and they shouldn't be married.
Honey, I wish you would.
I dont know about all that....but to avoid fights and waking me up from would be smart.

Hey, if a man is masturbating in the bathroom sitting on the toilet in the dark, and his wife comes in to pee and doesnt see him when she sits down...can she go to prison for 20 yrs for rape?? I think separate bathroom are best as well.
It would also be quite important to have a corroborating wittiness as to his location ,, Like his mistress.

'; He couldn't have been raping her , he was here banging me !';
Naive young lads shouldn't be getting married. If a woman was really raped by her husband or anyone else, there would be evidence.
Knowing how quick some GWS Feminists are, in calling married men 'marital rapists' because they wanted sex when the wife had a 'headache', I would agree with your idea, just to be safe.
Even smarter: don't be a husband. Marriage has become toxic for men.

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