Wednesday, February 10, 2010

False criminal charges were filed on me the dismissed. Can I do anything about this so it doesn't continue

My ex husband and father of our daugher has filed several false charges that all were dismissed in court several times. He is currently living with his dad and ex step mother. His ex step mother had filed false charges against me that were dismissed. I'm concerned for the safety of my 1 1/2 year old daughter. I'm so scared ex step mom will neglect my daughter because she has so much hate towards me. Can I ask she have never have my daughter alone being she is not blood related. I have been insulted numerous times by my ex husbands family and worry how my daughter will be treated when she is around these people.False criminal charges were filed on me the dismissed. Can I do anything about this so it doesn't continue
You could call child protective services (Childrens Aid in Canada) and pose the question to them. If you have proof of neglect they will step in. Try to get supervised visitation. My ex tried this tactic. Even though I too got everything dismissed the police keep this on record and I am sorry but it sways their opinion of you My lawyer told me to file a false arrest complaint against the police in my case. This is harrassment on their part and is illegal. Children's Aid helped me to get my ex's sister to admit to wrong doing which I could've filed forcible confinement charges against her for. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING from your daughter's moods when she comes home etc. Try to make all communication in writing (email) and keep for your records or try to always have a witness when you have to talk. Make sure your communication is neutral. If you are shown to be witholding your daughter or trying to sway her against he father you could be in trouble yourself. You must give them the benifit of the doubt untill you can prove wrong doing toward your daughter on their part. Family Court does not care one bit what he did to you (unfair maybe but true). Hopefully she will be fine and they will do what is in her best interest. Remember she is their flesh and blood. Hopefully they will recognise that fact too.

I hope this helpsFalse criminal charges were filed on me the dismissed. Can I do anything about this so it doesn't continue
If they sue you again, and you think that you can prove it is frivoulous, I think you cam countersue for your time spent on frivolous lawsuits (time=money).

If you have concerns about your daugter, then you may also have a custody issue.

You probably would want a lawyer to help you out.
repost your question in the mom section

there are really sharp women out there and perhaps they can turn you onto pro-bono law representation and funding that will defeat the best backing of the x

do it legal, do it smart and WIN

God be with you

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