Friday, February 12, 2010

What are the charges for making a false police report?

i was recently charged with the same thing I went to court for it on the 13th. I had to pay some fines and have to do community service. But from what I understand I got off easy because of the circumstances.What are the charges for making a false police report?
some jail time i think. a few days of jail? weeks?

a couple thousand bucks fine?What are the charges for making a false police report?
you can sue for Slander if you can prove it
In Canada, one can get charged for that .,. usually a summary conviction, which means jail, probation or some kind of fine. It is like a misdemeanor, but a little more serious here.
not sure, but you should report the neighbors
You would be charged for setting a false alarm and charged 250,000 dollars and up to 5 years of prison.
a knowingly false police report usually gets you a couple days in the slammer with a small bond. It is a misdemeanor.

It is a charge because it is using up police resources.
Class B misdemeanor, fine and possible short jail sentence. You are liable for additional charges and civil damages if your report were to tie up resources that were needed to intervene in another location w/ resulting damages.

You will go to jail and pay fine! It will look bad in your job application too!
Jail time. Just dont make a false report, it will catch up to you.

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