Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why cant something be done to women who file false rape charges?

It is a crime to file a false police report.

The politics are such that only in the most extreme cases is a woman ever charged with filing a false police report when the allegation is rape.

For example as I recall the woman who filed the false police report alleging rape in the Case of the Duke LaCrose playes who were falsely accused of rape was charged with filing a false police report.

That was a very unusual circumstance however.

In most cases the district Attorney's office will not bring charges of filing false police reports even in extreme cases where the accusation of rape was clearly false because the District Attorney's office wants to encourage women who have been raped to file a police report.

If the District Attorney's Office starts prosecuting the false reports, the fear is that will discourage women who have been raped from filing police reports.

Yes, I know that a man's life can be ruined by a false allegation of rape just as a woman's life can be ruined by an act of rape.

The thinking is that rape is such a serious societal problem that it is better not to prosecute the false allegations of rape.

The down side is that for any man who has been falsely accused of rape there is very little that you or an attorney can do for you.Why cant something be done to women who file false rape charges?
Something can be done if the accused party knows about it. It's call deprivation of character and false accusations as well as she can be held liable for court charges and any time he has missed from work due to court.

Quess: Well sorry if this pregnant woman who just got out of the ER isn't typing everything perfect you F***ing @$$

To the asker: just as she filed charges against him, the same can be done to her, just call the cops and file a report and when they ask if he wants to press charges just say yes.Why cant something be done to women who file false rape charges?
Filing a false Police report is against the law.
What like breast castration? Or permanent closing of the minge?
Something can be done if proof can be obtained the charges were false.
It's called DEFAMATION of character, f*ing moron.

Keep thumb downin' my answer b**ches, I love it. I f*in shower in that sh*t.

BTW--the moron comment isn't intended for the question poster, but the person who said deprivation of character...that doesn't even make sense. It's not a spelling error it was a lack of the proper term and it p*sses me off cause YA is where people are supposed to go to get real answers, not find out how much people named Victoria know (or don't know). And I don't care that you're pregnant. But congratulations.

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