My boyfriend of 3 years is on probation and some asshole cop is trying to press charges on him for a crime he never did. I know my boyfriend did not commit this crime because this crime has to do with me. My boyfriend is innocent and if he gets charged guilty then thats his 3rd strike. They tried pressing the same charges on him a year ago but they didn't have enough evidence and they still do not have enough.
I need a REALLY REALLY GOOD lawyer thats in the RIVERSIDE AREA of CA.!
The main cop behind all this does not like my boyfriend because my boyfriend almost hit him lat year and was talking **** about him that he found out about.
Oh and dont answer this question if your just going to tell me to leave him and how its his fault and stuff. Dont tell me he doesnt have a change.I dont want to hear that i just want to hear about good lawyers!Cop trying to press false charges on my boyfriend thats on probation,this would be his 3rd strike!?
Ok first of all if it has to do with you, you need to go states attourny and talk to them. You might have to write a statement,that I suggest you get a copy of, but then I would google your area and what you need, like best lawyer in riverside or whatever, but go make a statement and get a copy trust me, same boat,lol.Cop trying to press false charges on my boyfriend thats on probation,this would be his 3rd strike!?
I'm not trying to be a prick, but you just posted this a few minutes ago:
';My boyfriend of 3 years committed a crime, hes on probation and this is his 3rd strike. He needs a REALLY REALLY GOOD criminal lawyer in the riverside area! ...';
So which is it? If he did something to you, and you don't want to press charges, the cops can't do anything unless they witnessed it themselves.
Well, if it involves you, all you have to do is deny that any charge against him that has to deal with you is false, and then they cant do anything. Unless they have enough evidence that you are lying.
Why don't you open up your Yellow Pages under ';attorneys'; and when you call one, ask them for letters of recommendation from their previous clients.
It seems unlikely your boyfriend will be convicted of a crime when the victim (you) says it didnt happen. So whats the problem?
How can they press a charge against him, when your the complaintant, and did not file a complaint?
So ... your pimp is a two-time loser who likes to beat on %26amp; talk **** about cops, but it's the cop who's the asshole in this scenario? Well now. I see.
Relax, sweetheart, your troubles are over! Because if he can't afford an attorney (and I'm sure he can't) one will be provided for him at no cost by the Office of the Public Defender. Rest assured, it will be a devoted yet young and inexperienced attorney who gets cases like this to cut his teeth on. Why, you may ask? Because it doesn't matter if he loses the case with a dickweed like your beloved honey-bun ... the guy who wouldn't hurt a fly and is just being railroaded because that cop is such an ASSHOLE... right? Of course.
And when the attorney loses the case and your boyfriend gets 30 to life in the big house, you'll be free to pursue other avenues of entertainment and adventure. Perhaps you'll become a nun, or maybe join the Army and become an Airborn Ranger! I'm shivering with excitement for you. Your opportunities are absolutely endless ... once you lose this piece of **** boyfriend in the penal system. Yay for you!
Best of luck, and be sure to let us know how it all turns out ... because we care so very very much.
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