Monday, February 8, 2010

False charges?

im curious.. i read about this in an article a few weeks back so the details might be fuzzy. a guy and a girl have sex.. they still talk. through emails on the phone etc. she tells him she loves him he says the same. they only had sex once or twice something like that. this went on for 3 months.. she apparently was pregnant, and she told the guy originally it wasnt his it was her estranged husbands.. the guy had suspicions but let it be.. as the weeks went on she started hinting it was his.. he said ok he will find out after its born and go from there.. she flips out claims he used her and then tried to accuse him of rape 3 months later and use the baby as proof? is this possible.. if i remember correctly there were email after email about how much she enjoyed having sex with him, also numerous text messages about how much she loved him? can she just make that stuff up? i just signed up here and thought it was an interesting topic cuz false rape seems to be a problem?False charges?
It would be difficult for an alleged victim to file charges after 3 months. The City Attorney would not want to prosecute an alleged rape with that much time elapsed. and if the accused saved just 1 text or email, that would get the alleged victim a filing a false report charge.False charges?
he should be alright if he had hard evidence emails, etc
What is her evidence besides the baby, which is really not evidence, it is a he said she said without evidence. If he still has the e-mails there is his evidence.
Well, someone can ACCUSE someone of anything. Sure, she could accuse him but you don't say what happened as a result of her accusastion. Was he arrested or what? If he has the emails, etc.. I can't imagine that a prosecuting attorney would pursue charges against him.
She can bring charges as long as the time limit is within the statues of limitations. However because of the evidence the DA most likely will not press charges and even if he does for some reason conviction is not likely. If I remember correctly only an investigation has begun and the man in question has not been charged or arrested.
this has happened before.

The man should file counter claims of stalking, false charges, defamation and extortion and make it a big dollar amount.

The crarges will be dropped immeiately if she knows the baby is not his. Rape must also be proven. Nobody gets raped and goes back for seconds, or thirds, so frivolous lawsuits are now subject to counter claims.

Lay the charges and let her have it with every thing you have.

Do not give up until you win.
unfortunately its all too common, since he can prove it was consentual its ok even at his word..... Its hard to convict on 1 rape charge. However he can press charges on her for false statements ect

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